Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Early Presidencies-Harry O.

Today in class, we went over our immersions we did. Mr. Armstrong did not check our notebooks since he did not give us a lot of time last class, but the next immersion will count twice. During the review, Mr. Armstrong woke us up by randomly asking questions. The review helped clear my mind up a bit. We reviewed informations such as privateers, how Halmilton put tax on wiskey to test the power of the new government, Jay's Treaty, Pinckney's Treaty, and the Battle of Fallen Timbers. Going over the immersions are really great becuase you can learn from Mr. Armstrong's explanation and your classmates' thoughts.
After going over the immersions, he gave us a lot of time to get started on Week 4 Immersion Part 2.
It was almost 45 or 40 minutes, plenty of time to finish or almost finish the immersion.
The only hand out that was given was the Week 4 Immersion Pt. 2, Early Presidencies: Washington, Adams, Jefferson, it was just a paper with the key terms and main ideas.
Well, thats mostly what we did in class.

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