Thursday, February 21, 2008

History is Hard.

Ok, so we went all through the usual rituals before going into class. However, as soon as my class sat down to start reviewing information we individually learned, students were raising their hands to ask Mr. Armstrong and the other kids about something they apparently did not understand. To be honest, I didn't fully get some things either. Fortunately after much intense discussion about the key terms and main ideas for this week, things started to clear up and everyone looked much more happier and less confused. Mr. Armstrong got us thinking by asking us connections between important events. People like Soyon and Deborah were responding enthusiastically and represented basically the whole class, but thanks to them, I learned some new information that were valuable. An example would be how the XYZ Affair was connected to the Alien and Sedition acts. As America was ticked off by the XYZ Affair, there were cries of war everywhere and the Alien and Sedition Acts prevented anyone from disagreeing with war. After this helpful debate, the class started working on our next immersion, and the we were called up individually to talk about our I Am character with Mr. Armstrong. The rest of the class was spent as nice, peaceful work time.

Andy L.-8B

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