Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Continental Army and the British Army Jenny P. 8A

Today in class, we had a better understanding of the beginning and cause of the revolutionary war. We watched a part of a movie called "The Patriot", and understood how the war was declared. We discussed about the difficulties and advantages of both the colonies and Great Britain when it comes to war. The colonies had an advantage that they were supported by many other nations, they knew their land(geography), and that Other European nations supported them, but had difficulties that they had a lack of money and military supplies, and there was little to no military experience or training. Most of the soldiers were farmers, so they weren't trained to fight. Besides, the British had advantages that they were well organized and had a trained army, and also that the soldiers were veterans of the French and Indian war. They still had weaknesses that they failed to understand how much all the colonies had disliked them and their rules. We also discussed in class about how the Continental army was going on. Most of the soldiers were farmers, so they were used to being not clean and being sweaty all the time, therefore, they didn't wash or change clothes, and refused to go to bathrooms so the area around the army smelled awfully bad. We also got handouts explaining this week and next week's immersion schedule & main ideas, since Mr. Armstrong will not be here until next week Thursday.
Everybody in our class had used their time wisely to go over the textbook or the handout we recieved for the last 15~20 minutes given. It was very impressing how everyone stayed focused and didn't talk, which is very unordinary for 8A!! Everyone did an awsome job.
We were expected to do the immersion for week 12&13 ( the first part), and identify the key terms as well as the main ideas as usual. We were also told that we would get our final exam schedule soon!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love the movie "The Patriot." Well, from all of the movies that I watched about wars. i wonder if you guys got to see that part when it went towards the end of the movie, a general from the patriot side wears so fancy. When the main character asked why he's wearing so fancy, the reply was that he atleast wanted to die fancy. I love that quote.