Monday, November 5, 2007

Julia L. 8D IC/OC - Semnar

Today in class, we had our second IC/OC seminar about the conflict in the colonies. An IC/OC seminar where the class is divided into half, and one half is in the innercircle, and the other half is in the outer circle. While the inner circle people mainly discuss on certain topics that Mr.Armstrong gives us, the outer circle people usually take notes on what the inner circle says. You also note any questions or comments you have about a person's statement or question. The first half of the class, the inner circle discussed about many topics like the Stamp Act, Sugar Act, and many others. Many people spoke out, and I think that is the main reason why the discussion didn't have any dead air, and it went on smoothly. We learned a great deal about the conflict in the colonies, such as that although the colonists didn't mind paying the taxes, they were mostly upset because they were taxed without their permission, and this goes against their slogan, "taxation without repersentation." The colonists just wanted to be treated more equally. Also, we learned that many acts were enforced so that the tax could be collected properly. But most didn't work because the colonists were very good at smuggling. I think today was actually one of our best seminars we've had so far, and that if we keep going at this level, we will definitely learn a lot. In myopinion, an IC/OC seminar is a great way for everyone to participate and to just sit back and listen sometimes.

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