Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Everybody Starts to Moan-Justin L. 8A-11/15/07

As always, we shook Mr. Armstrong’s hand and got into our assigned seat. When we got settled, he told us to get out our agenda to write down the homework. Our homework for today (11/15/07) is to study for the quiz, which is on Monday for 8A. After that we did a water fountain discussion with our members of the pod about Thomas Paine and the Declaration of Independence. My pod reviewed the key terms and talked about Thomas Paine, Common Sense, “e pluribus unum”, The Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, Loyalists, July 4th of 1776, and the Prohibitory Act. We didn’t get to finish all of the terms and the main ideas. Mr. Armstrong handed out papers, but it wasn’t just one or two pages, it was ten pages. And then most of my classmates were moaning. I was too. It was like what I have expected. It was to read sections from the Declaration of Independence and answering what the questions asked. For example, (part 1- Preamble) The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. And the question was According to this paragraph what is the goal of the writers? Mr. Armstrong said that no answer was wrong, but you could only get information from what is given, not extra from other sources. And that wasn’t the only question. And when Mr. Armstrong was going around the classroom, he said that the pod that one of the pods (can’t remember the color) was hot. Meaning that they were on fire with the explanation. So I guess that pod was the stars of today. But after this assignment I got better information and understanding of what the Declaration of Independence is saying. We worked on that worksheet rest of the class time and when the bell rang we went out. Mr. Armstrong was very proud of all the understanding and the work we did. And that is the end of the day. Bye. And also review for the quiz.

Justin L.




8th Grade U.S. History said...

Sorry. I forgot to not put my full last name.

8th Grade U.S. History said...

I edited it so now it's back to the way it is suppose to be.