Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Class Scribe Prompt - Lisa A.

During block F, 8D class got to take US History, taught by Mr. Armstrong. Today was the first regular history class for the 8D students. Some handouts that were given out today were multiple intelligence checklist, class scribe prompt, the four learning styles, and the learning style/multiple intelligence checklist. The topic that we covered today was exploring the learning styles that suit the individual students. We took some tests by paper and online to check how we learn best. For today, our only homework was to finish the learning style/multiple intelligence checklist. The class star today was Mr. Armstrong. He tried his best to get everybody actively involved in class discussions, use quotes from well-known people, such as philosophers, and to engage technology. Over all, class today went fairly well. Everybody was focused on their own work, rather than chatting with students around them. We worked quietly to produce quality work. We are off to a good start!

1 comment:

8th Grade U.S. History said...

Well done Lisa. You wrote a great overview of our class today and thank you for the selecting me as class star!

You are free to come up with your own title for your post. It doesn't have to be class scribe. As a matter of fact, I would prefer that the title reflect what class was about that day. Also, include your name in the body of the paragraph rather than in the title bar. Other than that great work. You've provided a great model for future students to follow.