Thursday, October 4, 2007


As usual when we entered the room we shook hands with Mr. Armstrong and were assigned pods. Then after everybody was here he showed us a new kind of method for studying and that our homework was to contribute to it. The new page for this was Quizlet. In this useful tool we could make electronic index cards where we could study with it, take tests and play scatter. He told us that our homework was to add two "index cards" for us to study. Also he told us to make our new Moodle accounts and while at that to vote for the time that would be convenient for the online chat on Sunday to ask questions. He showed us that to take the poll we had to go to wikispaces and the test review and in that page at the top was the poll. Then he told us what many got nervous after (especially me) that we would have to talk for a straight one minute about our toondoo topic. I heard some groans but thankfully we were allowed to have an outline. After the explanation of homework we moved on to discussing the immersion in our groups. While at that Mr. Armstrong called us one at a time to see if we used all the immersion sites. He was upset that we didn't see the video but just read the text. Then he had a slide show ready about the whole information. Mr. Armstrong was happy when people like Ashley pointed out that the information was contradictory like no slave use but Penn having slaves. The teacher said that there are many ways to interpret history and that we would have to learn how to trust the many information. Today's class was really great in ways of discussion but still there is need for accurate information that solves the contradictions.
Se June H.

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