Thursday, October 11, 2007

A Shock of Reality- Hee Jae C. 8B

(This is the post for Thursday's class.)
The room was dark. Deadly silence and tension filled the air. With our faces molded into a stern, stiff expression, we stared at Mr. Armstrong for a long time. He was firmly holding a pile of papers and an odd wave of anxiety spread across the room as he said that today, we'd be looking over our tests and discussing about the mistakes that many of us had made. Looking at one another, we all gave nervous glances to each other and I bit my lips hard, knowing that this would not be a satisfying moment.
The light from the projector spilled across the room like a flowing fabric of silk and as each of us looked at the countless zeros on the sides of the paper, Mr. Armstrong opened his mouth to say the words that we had all dreaded to hear. Although taking a quiz on Quia was a new experience for us, it was our duty to put forth our best efforts and think carefully on what to choose as an answer. Countless people had gotten many of the questions wrong and it seemed so obvious that studying, more effort, and hardwork was greatly in need.
The heavy burden and disappointments in our stomachs dropped lower and lower as seconds, minutes, and an hour passed. Everyone was murmuring about their grade and the stupid mistakes that they had made, but at that moment, we had no idea of what was coming ahead. Mr. Armstrong slowly said as he looked at us with stern eyes that we'd be recieving extra seven percentage points. The tense moment had broken and everybody was sharing their new grade, some showing a bit of pride and arrogance.
Mr. Armstrong had saved our lives, but it was clear that we were lacking something important. It had somehow leaked from our heads and many people had forgotten the passion for effort and hard work that once existed within us. However, this class was advantageous for us in a way. It shook us with great shock! It reminded us that for the next test, we wouldn't get by easy like this; the amount of effort that we put in will reflect on our test grades.

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