Thursday, October 11, 2007

Test Review-Jiheon K. 8A

When we went into the classro0m, the desks were all lined up. Mr. Armstrong let us choose where we wanted to sit. After the bell rang and Mr. Armstrong took attendance and we received our tests back. Mr. Armstrong gave us a few minutes to look over the test and check some of the questions we got wrong. Then, we all looked at the screen in front of the classroom. The percentage of the students that got the questions correct was on all the questions. We looked over some of the questions that a lot of the students got wrong. The questions seemed to be very confusing and in some of the questions, only about half the students had gotten the answer correct. After we reviewed the questions, we looked at examples of the answer to the short answer problems. After we were finished reviewing the test, Mr. Armstrong took them back. The students seemed to not be familiar to the new type of test we took and they weren't really prepared for this test, so Mr. Armtrong said that he would give us an extra 7% on this test. However, next time, he said that we need to be fully prepared.

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