Monday, October 15, 2007

Mother and Child

When we entered the classroom, some were confused by the drawings on the board of a 'Mother' and a 'Child'. As the lesson began, Mr Armstrong explained to us that the mother represented Mother England and the child was the 13 colonies that England had control over. Mr Armstrong explained the relationship between the 13 colonies and England as the relationship between a child and a mother - it starts out as a good strong relationship and the mother provides things, such as money, protection etc. to help the survival of the child. However, as the 'child' i.e. the colonies grow there becomes friction in the relationship as the child wants more independance etc. I think that this helped many people to understand the concept a lot better and gave us something to compare the relationship to.
Then we had a water fountain disscussion and talked about the key terms that we had been taking notes on in immersion. In our group the star was Grace, because she thought of questions and made many links that a lot of people were not able to make and helped us to get a better understanding. She asked questions that helped to analyze the information, such as, 'What was ther problem with the Navigations Acts'.
After this me, Jay and Jorma showed a short presentation on what mercantilism was and why Navigation acts were put in place. I think that the fact that there was a visual made it easier for people to figure out the concept, including me.
Today's class was really about trying to analyze the information given to us and rather than just simply understanding it and trying to take it to another level.

Ashley K 8A

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