Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Review of Colonial Government-Soyon J. 8B

The seats were spread out we all sat down and looked at the board and again, there it was, the mother England and the 13 colonies drawing. I wasn't sure why it was up there again and I don't think many people understood either. We finally found out that Mr. Armstrong was going to give an review of the Colonial Government system. Many people seemed like they weren't really sure about what the government system. There was a lot of confusion during the IC/OC seminar also. To clear things up, Mr.Armstrong gave us an review through armstrong art. I think that afterwards, everyone understood and was clear about the Colonial Government. After the review, we had time to do our immersion with the Holt Handbooks. Overall, today's class was mostly spent by doing the review. The review really helped a lot to get rid of the confusion amongst us about the Colonial Government system.

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