Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The IC/OC Seminar - Jenny J. 8B

We entered the classroom, bewildered about the seating arrangements, and sat at the desk where our name tags were on. Today was when we had our Week 8 Seminar. Usually, our past seminars have been including all of the students in one circle but today, Mr. Armstrong divided us and set our seating arrangements into an outer circle and an inner circle, which is called the IC/OC. Before we started, we wrote on the reflection page like we always do before every seminar. First, the inner circle, placed in the middle, the students would discuss about the main ideas in their circle. While the inner circle students are having a small seminar, the outer circle students were taking notes about the useful information stated and things that were confusing said by the students in the inner circle. After 30 – 40 minutes, the outer circle students got a chance to ask questions or say statements to the inner circle, who were answering these questions. Then, when the inner circle was finished, both, inner and outer circles switched places. So the students, who were in the outer circle, were now the inner circle members, who were answering and discussing the main ideas that weren’t asked or stated before. Overall, I think the new Seminar style was successful and made a fresh experience for us because everyone made a great connection.

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